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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Let's go Jackets!!

Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap...Us CBJ fans have doubtlessly done this numerous time over the last few years. What I am about to say may seem a little blasphemous, but hear me out:

I am sick and tired of hearing it.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the team and will be following along as we go through another season. And I will be screaming it out with other Jackets fans during the highs and lows. But let's be honest...this chant is tired and stale. We are a one-trick pony. This is all we have to cheer our team on. One chant that, for some reason, each section of the arena feels the need to all do at different intervals, so it ends up feeling like some half-assed kindergarten sing-along.

For me, this contributes to the downfall of the arena atmosphere. Not a large part mind you, but still a contributor. Fans get bored with the same old thing. It is all about "what have you done for me lately", and well, that ain't doin' it no mo.

The ACA (Arch City Army for you newbies) has tried gallantly to breath some life in the crowd and our participation. I commend you fine men and women for the effort, but so far it hasn't had the desired effect. The rest of the arena has not picked up on the effort yet. Maybe with some more opportunities this season, they can make a dent and get something new to catch on. It needs to be hockey oriented though, I don't think soccer chants will work for our crowd. I have to admit, I am a fan of the 'Get some Clit-some" chant, although that has very limited use. We need something bigger, more team oriented.

So the conclusion to my blabbering is that I believe we need a new chant, something that will carry this team into the playoffs. That's right, it is our support, and more specifically the creation of a new chant, that will put our Bluejackets into the playoffs. Forget the team on the ice, this is about us!

This is going to take some creativity on our part, and some coordination. Two guys in section 217 can't do it by themselves. That is unless Rimer hears us from the booth and starts doing the chant over the air repeatedly instead of doing the play by play! That would be epic, but alas, unlikely. No, I say we recruit everybody. The ACA, the RBar regulars, the ushers, everyone. Hell, have the ticket scalpers hand out chant sheets with the half-price tickets. We could even reach out to game-ops if we come up with something good enough.

But we have to come up with something first. This is the hard part. I throw out these suggestions as a conversation starter, but don't think they would stick. I am not smart enough to come up with something on my own. I prefer something short that can be chanted without the clapping, so in that spirit:

  1. Let's go Blue (non-starter due to OSU factor)
  2. Let's go Jacks (kind of lame)
  3. March on Blue (Civil war theme)
  4. Go Jackets (like Go-Jack-ets)
  5. C-B-J! (this is too easily fodder for opposing fans, as in "Are they chanting Free BJ?". Would be cool if we could get each side of the arena to do one letter, ala O-H-I-O)
  6. Dammit Brass shoot the f---ing puck! (Too long?)
Your turn. Suggestions?


  1. March on Blue is amazing


  3. here we go jackets here we go

    been pushing for # 5 for awhile...... such as "we are c b j"


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